
SilECust Web Shop

This project is maintained by cooldude77

Install Silecust in Windows using wsl

WSL may be faster than oracle virtual box in windows environment

Install WSL first

Enable WSL first

Open a powershell terminal and type wsl --install

Install Ubuntu 22

Install from marketplace

Windows marketplace

Install using comand line

First download using powershell

curl (("", "releases/22.04/release-20231130" "ubuntu-22.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.xz") -join "/") --output ubuntu-22.04-wsl-root-tar.xz

Then install

wsl --import <your distro name> "<Your windows folder path>" ubuntu-22.04-wsl-root-tar.xz


wsl --import webshop-staging "c:\wsl" ubuntu-22.04-wsl-root-tar.xz

Run script

At the powershell , type

wsl -d <your distro name>

Create a new user

At the Linux prompt , type or copy-paste

useradd -m symfony -s /bin/bash
passwd symfony
usermod -a -G sudo symfony
su - symfony

Run this script


Your installation is ready for further configuration

For Further testing help

Follow these steps Common configuration

Install debugger quickly

sudo apt-get install php-xdebug   
sudo cat >> /etc/php/8.3/apache2/php.ini
sudo service apache2 restart