
SilECust Web Shop

This project is maintained by cooldude77

Common steps


Go to installation directory

cd /var/www/html/silecust
cp vendor/silecust/web-shop/src/Resources/misc/security.yaml.dist config/packages/security.yaml
cp vendor/silecust/web-shop/src/Resources/misc/twig.yaml.dist config/packages/twig.yaml
cp vendor/silecust/web-shop/src/Resources/misc/services.yaml.dist config/services.yaml
cp vendor/silecust/web-shop/src/Resources/misc/routes.yaml.dist config/routes.yaml
cp vendor/silecust/web-shop/src/Resources/misc/.htaccess_dev .htaccess

Set parameters ( required)

In order for application to work in for dev ) and in .env.test.local (for test)set your database like this ( choose your own database)


set these parameters

SILECUST_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="replace with your value"  
SILECUST_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_HEADLINE="replace with your value"
SILECUST_DEFAULT_COUNTRY=IN or "IN" ( any one of it for now)

install silecust package

In your composer.json set ` “minimum-stability”: “dev”, `

composer require symfony/web-shop
php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --force
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
php bin/console importmap:require tom-select/dist/css/tom-select.default.css

How to see your website working

On the prompt, use

symfony server:start -d --no-tls

Your website should be working at

## Create an employee with superuser privilege

`php bin/console silecust:user:super:create`
_use this login email /password for logging in as employee_

## Optional: create a customer

`php bin/console silecust:customer:sample:create`
_use this login email /password for logging in as customer_

## Optional: To create sample product, price and test data

`php bin/console silecust:dev:data-fixture:create`

or install [adminer]( to add your own data

sudo apt install adminer sudo a2enconf adminer.conf sudo service apache2 restart ````

htaccess file

In dev environment to load css and js files, copy included .htaccess_dev to .htaccess in your project and follow the instructions in the file (TBD in the script)